We love our crew and we're sure you will too.
Let us introduce you to a few of them.

Colleen Gill
2nd year apprentice Plumber
Job pre-plumbing? Community Nurse
Reason for entering the trade? I always wanted to do a trade, but I guess I always thought it was a "mans" job. In the end I realised I can really do whatever it is i want to and it was now or never to give it a go.
Best part about the trade? I'm always learning something new. I love getting in and getting the job done.
What should aspiring plumbers know? It can be physically and mentally hard, but very rewarding. Some days are much better than others, and there is now such a great network of other women in trades to reach out too if you're feeling like you need to talk to someone.
Fun fact about yourself: Mum of 4, Grandma to 2, my spare time is usually spent out on my motorbike exploring the backroads of anywhere!

Kimberley Smyth
Licenced Plumber, Owner - Hey Sista Plumbing
Job pre-plumbing? Night Shift Machine Operator Age Newspaper
Reason for entering the trade? I wanted a career that would provide a life for my four children I didn’t have growing up.
Best part about the trade? Apart from the fact that every day is different, I'm able to provide a service to clients who for many reasons feel more comfortable with a female plumber.
What should aspiring plumbers know? It isn’t always easy learning a new skill. Remember when it gets hard that everyone no matter what career still needs to learn their profession. It takes time and you will always be learning but this is the most rewarding job I have had (apart from being a mother)
Fun fact about yourself: I was a mum of four when I started my mature age apprenticeship.